These infographics were created for my Introduction to Epidemiology (PUB-205) class. The assignment was titled “Epi-Ed” and we were instructed to create one-page infographics, using inspiration from the infographics created by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. I created the infographics by myself using Canva. The graphics included in the infographics were stickers and stock images provided by Canva. This software was easy and straight forward to use.
Additionally, to create the infographics about toxoplasmosis, I used information from an assignment for One Health (BIO-445). In this class, we had to create a fact sheet about a zoonotic disease, which is a disease that can be transmitted by humans from animals. Taking key facts and ideas from the fact sheet helped me present the information in a concise manner. For the purposes of PUB-205, the infographics were supposed to be uploaded on a class Instagram page, but we did not do this and just submitted them as assignments. The intended audience is the general public, including children for the infographics about Zika virus and hand hygiene. The intended audience for this infographic would also be for those in middle school or older.
Creating the Infographics using Canva
- Selecting a templates!
- Adding Stickers!