My significant writing project displays my best work using MLA citations that I have produced in this course, as compared to my first essay. By using The Little Seagull Handbook by Richard Bullock, it helped to show all the different types of media that exist and how to properly cite the sources in MLA formatting for the works cited page and for in-text citations. In my writing project, I did have one error where I cited Lehrer at the end of a quote even though I stated his name earlier in the same sentence. Making these local revisions and paying closer attention to errors like these would have been helpful to prevent these errors from occurring. Also, for local edits in general, I found by leaving comments and then changing the errors on my free draft in google docs made it easier to focus on smaller errors like adding commas and deleting certain segments in my writing. For example, I found that focusing on the local edits also revolves around changing words around and improving the overall flow in the essay (displayed in the images below).  Peer reviewing helped fix these errors by having others look at my essay with critical eyes.