Multimodal Statement. This includes how you plan to incorporate other media into your final essay. Include links and/or descriptions of media that you hope to use in your final essay and describe how these choices will work with your alphabetic text to better communicate your overall idea.

In my multimodal essay, I chose to include various pictures that will help support my overall idea of how memory plays a role in forming a narrative about our lives. One of the images that I chose to use in my essay is this image from this magazine article titled, “How the Brain Creates a Timeline of the Past”

I feel like this image can have many different interpretations, but the way that I interpret it as is that the bird represents the memories that we are currently making and the path that it leaves behind shows past memories. Also, it shows how people remember episodic memories, which are usually autobiographical events or experiences in a person’s life. These episodic memories are often different for each individual and often involve inaccurate facts. I included this image where I was mentioned episodic memories in the second paragraph of my essay because the paragraph related a study done by Donna Bridge and Julie Beck’s article, “Life’s Stories”.

Also, I used an image of my Dad in my essay because I used the interview I did about him for evidence in my paper and inserted an image of him into my essay. This picture helped my overall argument because it shows how my Dad remained determined and achieved his goal of obtaining a higher education, despite the comment that he heard about him in high school.

Lastly, I want to use this image in my essay to help support the overall idea of our memories being tied to the way that your brain can categorize the different types of memories and how Strawson mentioned how having a poor memory could affect the way that you remember your life stories. Also, the image shows how the brain contains many different ways that we can store our memories and can use our memories to form connections with past events or experiences in our lives to create an idea overall theme.


Using these different multimodal elements like bolding certain words, changing the size of the font and using pull quotes in my essay could help evoke emotions in the audience while reading the essay and can help strengthen my overarching argument.